Category: estate planning

5 Essential Steps for Estate Planning After Divorce

5 Essential Steps for Estate Planning After Divorce

After a divorce there are five important steps to take to protect yourself and your family including updating your will, considering a trust for a minor child, checking beneficiary designations, updating powers of attorney, and checking other estate planning documents.

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Podcasts for Caregivers: 8 helpful caregiver podcasts

Podcasts for Caregivers: 8 helpful caregiver podcasts

Podcasts for caregivers provide tremendous support. During your caregiving journey, you will have many challenges and questions. A great way to get help and advice is to listen to podcasts for caregivers. And you can even multitask! While you are doing household chores, exercising, or even resting you can access resources or get new ideas to help you.

Since caregivers have limited time, I find podcasts that give quick, actionable tips are best. To support caregivers, I have made a list of some caregiver podcasts that I have found helpful. Moreover, all the podcast hosts have life experiences with the challenges of caregiving. So they know what they are talking about!

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10 benefits of a trust to consider when estate planning

10 benefits of a trust to consider when estate planning

When I talk to my clients about the benefits of a trust as part of their estate plan, their eyes glaze over. Trusts seem overly complicated and only applicable to the super-rich. However, there are several significant benefits to include a trust in your estate plan.

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5 reasons why men don’t make a will

5 reasons why men don’t make a will

There are many reasons why men don’t make a will. Usually, in my practice, it was the wife who scheduled the appointment and dragged her reluctant spouse to it. By asking a few questions, it was clear there were many misconceptions about estate planning and also a little fear.

However, once the husband reviewed the plan to protect their children, avoid probate, preserve assets and provide security for loved ones, he was firmly on board.

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Family Information Binder – What to Include

Family Information Binder – What to Include

A family information binder is one place where you can keep all your important medical, financial, and legal documents.

In case of emergency or just for convenience, having an up-to-date binder will help your loved ones manage your affairs. As Benjamin Franklin said, “For every minute organizing, an hour is earned.” 

You can easily make a family information binder yourself. First, read our post on how to Create A Family Information Binder. Then, get started organizing your information. Keep in mind that there are 15 important things you should include. Continue reading “Family Information Binder – What to Include”

How to choose a health care power of attorney

How to choose a health care power of attorney

A health care power of attorney or health care surrogate is someone you name to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to due to mental or physical incapacity. Depending on your state, the document you create is a health care power of attorney, medical power of attorney, or health care surrogate. You designate a surrogate or agent who will follow your health care wishes. If necessary, they will also follow your living will or advance medical directives.

You want to choose someone close to you that you trust. However, you should think carefully about who is best suited for the task of making tough decisions.

5 questions to ask your power of attorney

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Sandwich Generation Infographic: Statistics and Trends

Sandwich Generation Infographic: Statistics and Trends

This Sandwich Generation infographic courtesy of shows the latest statistics of those caring for children and aging parents.

Highlights about the Sandwich Generation

  • 44% of people aged 45-55 have at least one parent still living and at least one child under the age of 21.
  • 66% of senior caregivers are women.
  • 15% of people in their middle ages are financially supporting their parents and children.
  • 84% of caregivers have responded that they are happy or very happy in their role as a caregiver.
  • 21% of Hispanics, mostly women, are caregivers for both their parents and children.
  • Caregivers face personal, financial, and emotional stress in their responsibilities as a caregiver.

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How to Create a Family Information Binder

How to Create a Family Information Binder

What is the best way to communicate with family members about your medical, financial, and legal documents and information? Create a Family Information Binder.

When my Florida law practice drafted estate planning documents, we would present our clients with a Legal & Financial Family Information Binder. This was a binder where they could put all their estate planning documents and important financial information in one place.

We called it the “911 Binder,” meaning that when you got a call from the hospital, you had one place to go to for the Health Care Power of Attorney. If you needed to go to a bank, you had the Financial Power of Attorney as well as a list of bank accounts and the key to a safety deposit box.

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Who would want your kids? Tips for choosing guardians

Who would want your kids? Tips for choosing guardians

As a parent, you agonize over the care of your child. Are they eating enough? Sleeping enough? Hitting the right benchmarks? But have you thought about their care if you are not around?

Many parents have not got around to making a will to name guardians for their young children. According to a 2017 poll, 58% of Americans don’t have a will.  That means a large percentage of parents have not made provisions for their children if something happened to them.

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Estate planning during a pandemic – documents to consider

Estate planning during a pandemic – documents to consider

As we deal with the challenges of the current Covid-19 crisis it is important to look for ways to protect your family. Many things can happen during this time. You want to prepare for any scenario. Estate planning during a pandemic is helpful in case of any sudden illness or hospitalization.

A comprehensive estate plan covers many of life’s contingencies. A will is important but only comes into play at your death. There are other estate planning documents that help you during life events. For example, a sudden illness or medical emergency.

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